Greek Civilization- Cradle of Europe


If you want to feel the Roman civilization land first at Athens and then Rome. In fact Greek civilization was the earliest advanced and distinct civilization of Europe continent. After Romans captured Greece, a lot is adopted from Greece from all walks of life, art, architecture, governance, philosophy, construction, warfare, ship, medicine, religion and even […]

Jordan- A Calm In Maelstorm


Jordan is a unique place as compared to other middle east countries as it is historically connected to Jews, Christians, Muslim, Greek and Roman cultures. It has the historical place like Cannan the place where Jews Legend Abraham decided to move on order of God, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. It has a river Jordan and three […]

Syria- Wars Within Wars


This is the story of an unfortunate country whose innocent public is dying daily under shadow of wars in wars. The people started with a defnite persuit but found themselves in death trap. The complexity of this war can be understood by a few features – It is a blind, ruthless, selfish and ego war. […]