Palestine- Israel Issue- An unsolved Rubik


The state without land. The problem and solution revolve in a circle. Never ending. A faulty Rubik cube which never fits four sides. The only land which is equally holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. The land given exclusively to people who were not even 10% without asking majority.
The land where Jew prays and dreams since centuries – with a dream to erect a Holy Jews temple on top of their first holy temple-but he knows it will never happen.
Who are Jews, who are Palestinians, why three religions attached to same place?
I am trying to explore. In news in current with President Trump’s “Peace to Prosperity Solution” .

Before putting our head into this puzzle let us have a look at origin of Jews, Arab Palestinians, how they are connected to this land and the history of this land.

Origin of Jews

As per old Bible testament Noah was a shepherd and was a virtuous righteous man. He was ordered by God to built an Ark (This ark is said to be a mountain in Turkey) to save all animals in world from great Floods. His descendent was Abraham who lived in old city of Ur in Mesopotamia. He was ordered by God to move to a holy place in order to come out of the world of sinners. He chose the place Cannan (current Israel) and moved there. His decendent was Jacob (later named as Israel). He had 12 sons from 4 wives & concubines. These 12 tribes were called Israelites and these are the Jews. This is the story in Bible, Thora, and even in old Islamic literature.

Religious sentiments attached to Jerusalem

It is said that king David was a Jew and lived in area of Cannan. His son Solomon built First Jews Holy Temple at Jerusalem. This temple was destroyed by Neo Babylonian king in 587 BC. Second Holy Jews temple was constructed by Jews on top of First temple in 516 BC which was destroyed by Romans in 70 AD. Centuries after Muslim Rulers built a Mosque Dome of Rock in 691 AD on top of second Jews Temple as Muhammad is said to have visited this place and from here he left the body to go to heaven. Similarly Christians also have religious sentiments here as Jesus was born in Bethelem and was crucified in Jerusalem. Therefore all these three religions have the religious sentiments to this place.

How this region became a Muslim Majority

The turning point in history of this place was when Abu-Bakr, Father-in-law of Muhammad who founded Sunni Cult sent his generals to defeat the Romans in this area. Afer this conquer all jews fled from this place (2nd Exodus) and other locals (Greeks, Romans, Assyrians etc) of this area were forcefully converted to islam. In due course there was influx of Arabs from adjoining areas and this all population was called “Palestinian Arabs” which were about 92%.

The Ummayad (Followers of Abu-Bakr, Sunni), Abbasids, Ottoman and different Arabs ruled here for about 15 centuries. Britain defeated Ottoman and as per League of nations got mandate in this region from 1917 to 1948.

The declaration of Jews state

Instead of going deeper into Balfour Declaration – The nutshell was the Theodore Herlz was founder of Zionist Movement (1897 AD) with charter to have a seperate state for Jews. He approached Ottoman, Germans but they declined. In 1917 Britain declared independent state, League of Nations approved it. Israel was born in 1948 for Jews between river Jordan and Mediterranean sea. British did not feel any necessity of respecting wish of Arab Palestines who were living in this region with 92% majority for more than 4 milleniums.

Google maps – In 2020 it shows the Palestine run land with dotted boundaries.

As soon as this declaration was done millions of jews started migrating to this new state of Jews and it was huge bloodshed in 1948-49 and called First Israel-Palestine war.

Palestine state vanished from map and Jews state (as shown in 1st map below 1917 map). As a consequence of 1948 war for Palestine state, Egypt captured Gaza Strip and Jordan occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem (2nd map).

Photo Credit- Alzazeera News. Land division and disputes of Palestine and Israel state

In 1967 Israel captured West Bank from Jordan, Gaza strip from Egypt, Golan Heights from Syria. But UNO does affirm that Palestine has sovereignty over West Bank and Gaza. There was huge loss to Israel in this war though it was great win of Israel over Jordan and Egypt. Israel understood that it is better to live in peace rather then wars so conceded back West Bank and Gaza but still due to that win Israel started settling Jews colony in Jordan valley, Gaza and East Jerusalem as shown in Fig.1994-2020 above. Jordan Valley is 1.5 KM wide area all along Jordan river in West Bank . But these settlements are illegal and Palestine is objecting this. In 1993 Oslo Accord Israel and PLO agreed to create some areas classified as A, B and C based on Only Palestine Authority controlled, or only Israel Controlled or both in West Bank and Gaza. But this accord could not address 0.7 million Palestinian refugee and also water distribution issue. Oslo Accord was not acceptable to many Palestinian and bloody violence took place across West Bank. So Oslo accord failed.

After Oslo Pact failure a terrorist Organization HAMAS turned more violent and engaged in guerrilla and missile war against Israel. In 2005 HAMAS won Palestine parliament election and has taken over Gaza Strip rule while Palestine Authority is seeing West Bank. Note that PA is legal authority recognized by Israel under Oslo accord while HAMAS is just a terrorist Organization.

It is seen that as a whole Palestine does not want any division of Palestine land and want Jews to move to some other place. This seems unpractical approach and the issue is like back sore.

Trump Peace to Prosperity solution

  1. Jerusalem be undivided capital of Israel. Palestine to move its capial outside jerusalem.
  2. Israel has already constructed illegal settlements in West Bank. US proposal is to legalise those by awarding jordan valley east border of Jordan river inside West Bank.
  3. To compensate Jordan Valley Israel to surrender 2 pieces of land near Gaza strip.
  4. Proposal of $50 Billian in Palestine by setting up industries and giving job to Palestinians.

What is then solution of this issue

As we saw above that one state theory and two state theory are not acceptable to Israel and Palestine respectively. In context of that US President Donald Trump has proposed Peace to Prosperity solution in Jan,2020. But this also is not at all acceptable to Palestine. They say they can not sell Jerusalem for $50 billion. And also PLO rejects clause of return of Palestinian refugees (between 1948-67) restriction being exclusively subject Israeli approval. See 2020 map above from al Jazeera News of Trump Proposal.

There have been quite a new development in politics of this region of Middle East since Oct,7, 2023. Hamas terrorist group, Gaza controlling authority planned a full fledged attack on Israel civilians by infiltration in night and rain of missile attacks. The reason of this attack as Hamas says is against continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, threats to the status of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the plight of Palestinian refugees and prisoners. This attack killed 1143 civilians while 252 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive. Since then from Oct to April, 2024 about 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza including about 23000 civilians. 2.3 millions are displaced from their homes.
The countries which stood with Israel are USA, Germany, Britain, France, India, Argentina, most of European countries, South Korea, Austria, Sweden and Egypt.
The countries which stood with Palestine are Turkey, Russia, Iran, Spain, Pope, African countries are divided on this, Jordan, Qatar, Bolivia, Indonesia, Lebanon based and Iran backed Hezbollah terrorist group.
War in continuing since Oct, 2023.


No problem can be solved until we are ready to do at least some sacrifices. Palestine has been offered many solutions to solve the issues but every either PLO rejected or HAMAS. Sometimes there is strife among PA and HAMAS also. There are many barriers in Palestine-Israel issue such as Land dispute, absorption of 0.7 million Palestine refugees, Israel illegal Jews colony in West Bank, water distribution, Jerusalem division. But the most important issue which has to be pacified and that is lack of will power to solve the issue and illegal Jews colony by Israelis in West Bank area. There are no signs of formation of Palestine state in near future for next 100 years. The living conditions in Gaza Strip and West bank is much below standard. In Gaza Strip (6-8 km by 41km) the water supply is only from water tankers, second most dense in population -about 8000 per sq KM, schools are not equipped, UNO runs some schools, electricity is just for 6 hours a day, Terrorist organization Hammas is administrator in this region, radical Islamic laws, high birth rate. The area of 1.5 KM along Israel border is no Man’s land which further restricts agriculture as this area is fertile.

The West Bank is intrigued with long ques in the in-out entry passes in area A,B and C. There are risks of being trapped in Israeli settlers and Palestinians any time, The area lacks development as the West Bank is still is dispute. People are looking for better life here like in other parts of world.

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