Indochina War- Heaviest Bombing of Millenium


The region of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam are known as Indochina region earlier. In 1954 under Geneva convention they got freedom from France and divided in four countries- Democratic Republic Of Vietnam (North Vietnam), Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), Laos and Cambodia (Kampuchea).

We will recount here the brief history of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to understand the temples (Wat), relics and museums in these countries

History Of Vietnam

In Hanoi

From 111 BC to 938 AD North Vietnam was ruled by Han Dynasty of China. From then till 18th century end this region was under dynastic rules. In this period of dynastic rule Portuguese, Dutch and British tried to set their foot here but locals forced them to leave. But French were able to get here permission to stay by one of the rulers of the region and by 1862 one third of the southern part of Indochina was occupied by France. They started spreading Catholic Christianity widely which was vehemently opposed by local lords and in this they took custody of some Christian priests and due to that France Govt gave free hand to French Navy to act. And hence by 1887 almost all Indochina became French colony. But France was weak in North of Vietnam and so China had tighter grip and supported fight against France.

In 1945 communist leader Ho Chi Minh created a revolutionary party (Viet Minh) to free Vietnam from French rule. But Japan took control of Vietnam and subdued France in WW-II. But by defeat in 1945 in WW-II Japan quit from the scene and French control came stronger than before.

When Viet Minh had triumphed Hanoi, initially French promised to recognize North Vietnam as free state But later they failed and in Nov, 1946 at least 6000 Vietnamese were killed in French naval bombardment and first Indochina war began.
There were many liberation groups in North and South Vietnam. To be simple to understand we can say that Viet Minh was first founded in China by Ho Chi Minh to liberate Indochina from France. After first Indochina war National Liberation Front (NLF) and Viet Cong were guerilla group based in South Vietnam and supporting Ho Chi Minh in his liberation movement against France. There is one more term used in Vietnam’s war museum – People’s Army of Vietnam. It was called Viet Minh during first Indochina war and People’s army in second Indochina war.

Kept at war Museum, Hanoi

In one sentence we can say whole Vietnam public was united in their mission to liberate Vietnam from foreign forces be it France or USA. The war museums in Hanoi and Saigon sing the same story of the atrocities and travails the common people bore.

First Indochina War

  • Purpose – To free Indochina from France
  • Period – 1945-54
  • War between – Communist allied North Indochina revolutionists and French controlled South Indochina.
  • Allied – China and Russia supported North Indochina
  • Result – In 1954 Laos and Cambodia became independent and Vietnam divided in North Vietnam (Democratic Republic Of Vietnam) and South Vietnam (Republic Of Vietnam).

Below map shows the status of regions held at end of 1st Indochina War in 1954.

1945-53 Situation in Indochina
Result of 1st Indochina warDivision of Indochina region in 1954 into four independent countries.

Second Indochina War (1954-1975)– Also called American war in Vietnam.

  • Purpose – Dream of Ho Chi Minh to unite North and South Vietnam. Establish communism in united Vietnam. This was fiercely opposed by America and NATO and resulted bloodiest and most gruesome battle in human history which surpassed even WW.
  • Period – 1954-75
  • War between – Communist allied North Vietnam and democratic South Vietnam
  • Allied – China and Russia supported North Vietnam, USA supported South
  • Result – In 1975 Vietnam was united and Vietnam became communist. USA was humiliated by defeat.
  • Why war started – Ho Chi Minh wanted unified Vietnam with communist government. But South was still France supported. USA president brought a principle of “Domino Effect” which stated that if Vietnam becomes Communist the entire region of South East Asia will be communist. Though this proved wrong later.
Second Indo China war- Also called American war in Vietnam

As per your interest one can cover Vietnam in below order.

  1. Hanoi – UNESCO World Heritage Sites-Thang Long Imperial Citadel, One Pillar Pagoda, ‘36 streets’
  2. Ninh Binh – temples dedicated to Emperor Dinh Tien Hoang, Trang An Landscape Complex which was listed on UNESCO World Heritage Site
    climb up to Bich Dong Pagoda
  3. Thanh Hoa- Ho Citadel – UNESCO World Heritage
  4. Ninh Binh – bicycle ride through the rice paddy fields
  5. Halong Bay – UNESCO World Heritage. Overnight cruise on Halong bay
  6. Hoi An – Hoi An Ancient Town- UNESCO World Heritage
  7. My Son – UNESCO World Heritage-the temple complex at My Son Sanctuary
  8. Hue – Complex of Hue Monuments- UNESCO World Heritage
  9. Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park- UNESCO World Heritage
  10. Ho Chi Minh City -Reunification Palace, the Old Saigon Post Office, Dong Khoi Street, the Continental Hotel, Opera House and City Hall

History Of Laos


The original people of this country are Lao – the people who came to this region 2000 years back. King Fa Ngum is said to be founder of this country who spread Thervada Buddhism among Lao. This region was protectorate of France since 1893 and got full independence in 1954. This is one of the most unfortunate country that after independence it plunged in civil war. North of Laos was dominated by Pathet Lao group which advocated communism while South Lao people advocated monarchy.
This resulted in civil war and thousands died. Meanwhile USA president Eisenhover propounded “Domino theory” and brought all its forces to South Vietnam to balk against China and USSR who supported Ho Chi Minh for communism.
Laos was heavily bombed (270 million bombs) from 1960 -75 as USA wanted to destroy the Ho Chi Minh trail of North Laos which was route of civil supplies to Communist forces of Ho Chi Minh.
In 1975 Pathet Lao took over Laos government and killed King. Pathet Lao made all services and private property under government ownership but this process completely failed and majority of Lao population was under loss of food supplies. The mistake was due to directly trying enforce socialism while other countries had followed the path of capitalism, industrialization to socialism like China.
In 1986 this mistake was corrected and they opened the economy and brought some reforms. The progress is now there but it is a slow process and still Laos is underdeveloped and one of the poorest countries.

As per your interest one can cover Laos in below order.

  1. Luang Prabang & Kuang Si Waterfall – UNESCO World Heritage Site
  2. Vang Vieng – limestone mountains, mind-blowing sceneries
  3. Vientiane- Buddhist stupa, French colonial architecture, Buddhist temples
  4. Bolaven Plateau – Tad Fane, Tad Katamtok, Tad Yuang, Tad Lo, Pha Suam are the most impressive waterfalls.
  5. The Plain Of Jars – no one knows why these jars
  6. Si Phan Don – riverine archipelago in the Mekong River
  7. Nong Khiaw – numerous caves, climb the Phadeng Peak, go mountain biking, go on a trekking tour, explore surrounding villages

History Of Cambodia

Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia

Cambodia was ruled by Funanese and Chen La dynasties from 3rd-6th century AD. Due to heavy influence of traders from India Cambodia gradually adopted Hindu culture and beliefs. This continued even during golden period of Khmer dynasty rule from 9th to 14th century AD. Jaya Varman II is the founder of mighty Khmer rule. And during this time we see the building of world famous Angkor Wats (dedicated to Vishnu). Jaya Varman VII was the last king and from there the fall of Khmer kingdom started due to frequent wars from Thai and Vietnam. After death if Jaya Varman VII for next 400 years was the “Dark Age” in history of Cambodia.

There after in 1862 French occupied Indochina region. But the effect of French occupation was that slavery was abolished and lot of temples were discovered including Angkor temples. French installed King Sihanouk in 1941-55. His second term was 1992-2005. He was neutral to USA invasions and so in revolt he was removed from power in 1955. Though Cambodia was independent in 1954 but with involvement of France and USA in Indochina remained the region of unrest till 1975. The bombing of Cambodia was part of Nixon’s “madman theory” that was meant to intimidate North Vietnam by showing that he was a dangerous leader capable of anything. USA quit from Indochina in 1975.

From 1975 to 1979 with the feelings of nationalism spread by Khmer Rouge party (a group of communist leaders under leadership of Pol Pot) won but proved dark period in history of Cambodia. Khmer Rouge ruled from 1975-79 and died about 2 million (25% of Cambodians), starvation, overwork, rejection of medical practices, many executed in “killing caves”. Any person with suspected links from previous regimes was executed without trial. Hence majority of educated either killed or fled.

As per your interest one can cover Cambodia in below order.

  1. Sihanoukville – Beach resort
  2. Kampot – Kampot Kompong Trach caves ancient ruins, boating, rafting
  3. Kep – Sea beach
  4. Phnon-Penh – Historical, markets
  5. Kratie – French colonial buildings, Mekong river
  6. Banlung – Jungles, nature
  7. Koh Ker – Ancient ruins
  8. Angkor – Temples complex (historical)- UNESCO World Heritage
  9. Siem Reaf – Hotel stays, gateway to Angkor temples
  10. Battambang – Angkor-style temples, Buddhist shrines, French colony (historical)

Phnon-Penh capital has these tourist points-
Phsar Thmei (Central Market), Sisowath Quay ( riverside strip), Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum – Cambodia’s most horrifying prison, Royal Palace of Cambodia – since the 1860’s, Wat Phnom, Choeung Ek Genocidal Center, National Museum of Cambodia, Russian Market, Independence Monument.

Tragedy of Indochina from 1960 to 1975

Between 1965 and 1975, the United States and its allies dropped more than 7.5 million tons (270 million bombs) of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It is double of the the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II. 2 Millions left the country as refugees. The deaths of as many as 2 Million Vietnamese civilians, 1.1 Millions North Vietnamese soldiers, 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers, and some 58,000 U.S. troops.


This war surpassed the devastation which even surpassed the two World wars combined. Almost every inch of Indochina was bombed. It was like 8 bombs a minute from 1965 to 75.
The collapse of the South Vietnamese government in the spring of 1975, resulting in a communist takeover of the South. USA was completely defeated by Vietnamese strong will.

Author in Vietnam- Hanoi War Museum

The American public was so much moved by these innumerable massacre, suffering of general public in war that “Hippy culture” was founded in USA. Hippies advocated nonviolence and love, a popular phrase being “Make love, not war”.

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