Why UNO fails to solve the Yemen crisis? Why UNO fails to curtail supply of arms to fighter groups in Yemen? Excuses are many but no answer to this “fail”. What is the purpose of UNO? What and why are the interests of super powers and adjoining countries? There is no answers to these. The blind war is going on and innocents are dying daily.

Who is burning Yemen? Why is there unabated war? Why it is compared with Syria and Libya? Why middle East countries are in violent unrest? Is there any single united organization or a single leader who ever thinks about the peace in this region? I think there is no nationhood, multiple militants groups wrapped in self interest, rainbow of ideologies and thirst of crown in Middle East. That is the basic reason that human race in this particular region is facing humanitarian crisis of settlements, house, food, water, jobs, poverty, education and medical. Let us see what is going on in Yemen since Arab Spring of 2011.
In Arab spring, president Ali Abdullah Saleh (Sunni) was forced to handover the power to his deputy Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi (Sunni) in 2012. So Saleh became ex-president and Hadi became the president of Yemen in 2012.
This war is the war of power between the supporters of Ex president and president of Yemen. Hadi as President is facing a continuing problems like revolts, separatist, terrorist organizations, unemployment, poverty and corruption. The prominent rebels are Houthi tribes (Shia) from North Yemen and terrorists Al-Qaeda. By 2015 Houthi tribe of North Yemen overpowered Hadi Govt and even captured his palace in capital Sana’a and forced to resign along with his team of ministers in 2015. Houthis declared themselves in control of the government, dissolving Parliament and installing an Interim Revolutionary Committee led by Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a cousin of Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.
Hadi fled to Aden in South Yemen and declared himself as legitimate president of Yemen. Finally he took asylum in Saudi Arab and Saudi Arabia government began their operations in Yemen since 2015.

Seeing the chaos in Yemen, Al-Qaeda landed in Yemen and makes a third front in contest of power. Their proclaimed aim was that they are rightful leaders of Muslim world under Muslim brotherhood set by God.
The fourth front created in form of Southern Transition Council (STC) backed by UAE since 2017 and which is against the Yemenis legitimate Government of Hadi. This movement had started in 2007 during President Saleh time and they demand the separation of South Yemen from rest of Yemen. Note that in 1990 North Yemen and South Yemen had united but South Yemen has been voicing that North Yemen has deprived them of their rights to property, job, land and has excessively exploited their natural resources. They also accuse Saleh of mismanagement and corruption.

Since then country is victim of Hadi supporting group and Houthi supporting group and separatists. After fleeing of Hadi one more group became active called Southern Transitional Council (headed by former governor of Aden) which wants to free South Yemen from rest of Yemen. STC is backed by UAE so as to take control of Port of Aden. South Yemen is important to world as it is passage through Bab El Mandab Strait which is a junction for 3.8 million barrels trading via the Red Sea. Port of Aden is important to Yemenis as all essential commodities sail through this port only.

Today Yemen is crippled by heavy bombings and not sure how many of the heritages of Yemen are ruined but Yemen has a rich history of people living a millennium BC and who have left their imprint here. One such is Shibam Haḍramawt is a city in Yemen which is UNESCO World heritage. These have 1700 years old multistoried mud buildings and have the privilege of worlds oldest sky scrappers. They were built as safeguard to Bedouin tribe attacks. The city is surrounded by a fortified wall, giving it the name “the walled city of Shibam”.
The Dar al-Hajar (Rock Palace) built in 1920 as the summer retreat of Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, ruler of Yemen from 1904 to 1948,
Palace is now a museum.
Al Saleh Mosque built by President Saleh in 2008 has 122 pillars and a capacity of 44000 devotees. Today it is termed as jewel of Yemen.
Great Dam of Ma’rib built in the 8th century BC. It was one of the engineering wonders of the ancient world.
Ghumdan Palace is an ancient palace and fortress. It is the earliest known castle in the world and is UNESCO World heritage. Sira Fortress is a military site in Aden. The original fortress dates to the 11th century and now is being used by military. Cisterns of Tawila in Aden are also worth visiting which depict the old water distribution system of ancient Yemen.
Yemen, a rich country before the internal revolts and strife is now a synonym of humanitarian crisis with about 80% people are below poverty line. There are instances of 10 year old girl weighing 9 KG, no water, displaced families, pandemics prevailing. This is the picture of todays Yemen. UNO and security council must take stern measures against supply of weapons to fighting groups and must help in establishing peace in this region. How long can the people can suffer the scars.
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