USA- Half Moon Bay, Santa Cruz, Golden Gate Bridge


Among all USA, California is the most beautiful state. It has all natural beauty in form of desert, forest, snow fall, silent valley, sea beaches,  national parks and wild life. This state is the silicon valley hub and specially San Francisco is the city where information Technology took birth.

History of USA

About 12000 years ago native Americans (Red Indians) used to live in North America. Just 400 years ago traders from Netherlands, England, France and Spain arrived and settled here. These different culture communities united and in 1789 AD they came to agreement to make it a federal state and states had right to leave the federal any time. On July 4,1776 thirteen American colonies under control of Britain declared independence. The reason was unfair taxes levied by British due to their war with French and Indians at American soil. By 1959 , 27 more independent states joined US the original 13 states. Washington D.C is capital of USA is a neutral site (no state) with intention is to avoid any favor to any state. D.C is added to it as Distt. of Columbia to give it a representation in government.

Thereafter an important event is history was civil war in America.

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln became the President and he brought the ordinance to end “Slavery” in all America. The 11 cotton belt Southern states thought it as a danger to their economy since vast majority of slaves were from these states. They also proclaimed that this decision should be power of these states and not the common (United States) government. So in 1860-61 they seceded from the federal government and declared independence. Abraham Lincoln did not approve this independence and civil war broke out for 4 years. This took lives of around 5-7 million soldiers apart from civilians. Finally United states defeated the southern states.

And finally World War II brought forth America  as super power because of  devastated Europe, Russia and Japan.

Comparison of USA, Europe and India

Beauty is purely a personal perception. If one thing  can mesmerize oneself,  may not be enchanting to other..

I think it is not possible to comapre USA with Europe. USA is USA. If Europe is flower then USA is garden.
Europe mesmerizes in few places where there is Alps but USA does not mesmerize as whole USA is beautiful with highly varied flora and fauna. USA is a vast land, people have bought hills and colonies are laid down lavishly as heaven while Europe has shortage of space. People do not have vast space with them. Most of residential colonies lack space. Europe can not afford space as much as USA does. Most of malls are big like football ground. They can afford large lands for temples, churches, roads, entertainment.

USA is 100% cosmopolitan which Europe is not. Once you are in Europe you can know you are in Europe but if you are in USA some spots you may feel you are in India or China or South East Asia or Europe.

Again we can not compare USA with India. All three are different entities in themselves. In India people are busy with their livelihood. They are yet to achieve luxury in terms of space, comforts and technology. There is abundance of people every where then definitely the cost of human life is less but love and nearness can be felt in India even of you travel to stranger places. It may be due to fact that I am Indian.
In India if one member  earns, family can survive but it can not the seen in Europe or USA or other Asian country. Education and cost of living is cheaper in India, even cheaper than middle east or South East Asia. India has thousands of places worth visit and will take 3 years+ if you explore (daily) while USA may take an year and Europe 6 months.

India has great ancient history behind and much more than Europe and USA.

Here are a few beautiful picnic spots around Santa Clara. There are countless such places in California.

Alcatraz Island

From 1850-1933, Alcatraz Island was used by US army and an ammunition post was installed in Island. From 1934 to 1963 it was a prison. It is a 3-story cell and has 4 blocks. The most notorious prisoners were kept in D block.

Golden Gate Bridge

Opened in 1937. This is a suspension bridge spanning 1.6 KM and till 1964 it was longest suspension bridge in world. It is most photographed bridge. Many experts believed that no bridge can be built to connect San Francisco with Marine county as there were strong winds, swirling tides and currents, with water 372 ft deep.  But this bridge was constructed and is one of the marvels and wonder in field of civil engineering. It faced many litigation, protest by Navy, ferry service providers, politics and downplaying and shadowing the work of some engineers who had majorly contributed to design this marvel.

It is worlds second most used suicide point and in April,2017 the work hs started to erect suicide barriers which is expected to complete in 4 years.

Golden Gate from Top – Foto taken by son Gaurav

Golden Gate at 3 PM
Golden Gate at 8 PM
Colour of sky keeps changing every 30 minutes
Night around Golden Gate
Ferry and Ship loading platform
San Fransisco

Half Moon Bay

This is a good picnic place near San Jose. It is about 1.5-2 hrs drive by car. We may face a little bit of traffic jams. I saw no less than  two to three hundred people enjoying the place as picnic. People came with their own boat ( bound in car) and tents. This bay is Pacific ocean bay.

Santa Cruze

If half moon bay was a picnic spot nearer to nature then Santa Cruz is another lively place on the pacific ocean beach, lot of games, small casinos, good eatery shops and many things for family enjoyment. There waere no less than 3000 persons on the day I visited.

We spent about 3 hours here and on return we visited the local Santa cruz residential area. The beautiful, beautiful houses all around. In evening seals come near the boat points and again vanish in the sea.


More or less these places are picnic spots in California state bay area.

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