खुदा भी आसमाँ से जब जमीं पर देखता होगा, मेरे मेहबूब को किसने बनाया होगा सोचता होगा ! फ़रिश्ते भी यहां रातों में आ कर घूमते होंगे, जहाँ रखती हो तुम पाँव जगह वो चूमते होंगे ! This is Ajanta. God also will be jealous of the beauty of this place thinking why He missed […]
Badami, Aihole and Pattadakal Temples

In March 2016 I got an opportunity of visiting Badami Caves and Pattadakal temples. Something which had been on my to do list for quite some time now. These places are 510 KM from Bangalore in South of India and 105 KM from Hampi. Usually people visit Badami and Hampi together. These are listed in […]