Jordan- A Calm In Maelstorm


Jordan is a unique place as compared to other middle east countries as it is historically connected to Jews, Christians, Muslim, Greek and Roman cultures. It has the historical place like Cannan the place where Jews Legend Abraham decided to move on order of God, Jerusalem and Bethlehem. It has a river Jordan and three […]

Iraq- Empty Goals


Iraq holds a glory of being one of the ancient invention ground during Mesopotamian civilization. In around 3000 BC the invention of wheel, writing script, plough, agriculture irrigation system, first accurate calendar system, written law code, area of circle, value of pie etc. From 5000 BC till 1st century BC the civilizations Sumerian, Akkadians, Babylonian, […]

Ancient Egypt : Pharaohs – Part 2


There is a long lineage of pharaohs in history of ancient Egypt. As a tourist if you visit Egypt, we should know at least few pharaohs who left everlasting impression on Egyptian history and left some of the amazing works behind them in form of pyramids and temples. Amid 2000 types of Gods, mysteries of mummies, funerary systems all customs and social functions culminated by Pharaohs.