Self, ego, greed, betrayal of motherland, lack of foresight, hardcore Islamic principles, fundamentalist Muslim brotherhood and dictatorship can turn a country into a cemetery. This is story of Libya and Syria. People are silent witness of ruining their country yet no leader is ready to open his eyes.
Civil war ignited by “Arab Spring” in both countries to uproot dictatorship and oppression met ruthless response by Gadaffi. And today we can see unending rag-tag between fighting groups. Syria president Al-Asad invited foreign powers to rule in Syria to save his “throne” while in Libya NATO forces entered signaled by UNO. In my opinion UNO is nothing but a licensing body for super powers to play arms in any country. There is no single Icon leader in Libya to show light and public of Libya also seems helpless, wounded and crippled sufferer and spectator. This is the pathetic story of Libya since 1951.
Before 1951 Libya was divided in three regions Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan. Italy had strong hold in Cyrenaica, Fezzan was under control of France and Tripolitania was under Britain. Emir Idris I of Cyrenaica helped Britain in WW-II on assurance that it will drive Italy out of Cyrenaica. And Britain did so. After WW-II UNO general assembly approved the unification of these three separate independent provinces making United Kingdom of Libya. Emir Idris I was crowned as king of United kingdom of Libya.
But as a Libyan scholar quoted Libya’s independence as “artificially created independent state”. The reason is differences in their geography and culture. Sahara desert covers almost 95% of country and the three regions though were ruled by Ottoman empire were almost independent of each other. They had nothing in common. Cyrenaica is conservatively oriented towards eastern Islamic world and closer to Egypt culture historically. While Tripolitania is modern and closer in culture to Tunisia and Morocco the west Islamic world and Fezzan is tribal and isolated due to desert. The travel between these regions is very difficult for a common man and hence they now belong to same country yet they are separate.

And these difference among the provinces are somewhere responsible for prevailing Libya crisis due to mistrust, suspicion, jealously and disowning country under one flag. Failure to unite these provinces opened the door to foreign forces to play the game of greed for oil resources and internal war between different groups on Libya for power.
Period of Idris I Government 1951-1969
The state of Libya was one of the poorest countries of Africa. Idris took help of Britain and USA for economic help and allowed them to setup military bases in Libya. Oil was discovered in 1951 and to exploit he allowed foreign companies. High mortality rate, 6% literacy, only 1% land was cultivable, 6% pastures, no industries, extreme poverty and corruption among officials prevailed in society.
Causes of overthrow of Idris Govt
Idris is accused being indifferent to ruling three provinces under one flag. He was more attached to Cyrenaica rather than building the strong economy of United Libya. Idris had little support outside Cyrenaica. His rule was weakened by scams and growing Arab nationalist movement after Six day war of 1967 between Arabs and Israel. The Arab nationalism (Unity of Arab and its civilization) was unhappy with Libya’s western link and discontentment rose against Idris and his government was overthrown by military coup by Gaddaffi (only 27 years old that time). Let us have a look at the achievement of Idris and Gadaffi regime.

Then what actually went wrong that Gadaffi was murdered in front of his countrymen so brutally?

Post Gadaffi Period -Age of unending Civil war and foreign interference
Arab Spring revolution rose in Tunisia in 2011 to overturn their dictator ruler and this revolution spread like fire in Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Syria, Bahrain and Libya where public were fed up with same dictator rule since decades. This revolution in Libya met dictator Gadaffi ruthless forces. People were killed, imprisoned in masses in Jan, 2011. In October a thousand rebels were taken out of jail and shot down.
There are three main fighting groups in Libya today. One is United nations supported GNA, another is General Haftar defected from Gadaffi formed LNA and third is armed tribals in South.
Formation of GNA
In March due to this oppression NTC committee (National Transitional Council) was formed by some army personals who defected from Gadaffi. Due to lot of atrocities on both sides and bloody civil war United Nations gave green signal to NATO forces to act and Gadaffi was killed in Oct, 2011. A UNO supported government General National Accord (GNA) was formed. But this government is weak and Turkey is supporting them together with Syrian imported mercenary brigades.
Formation of LNA
On other hand General Haftar who was once ousted by Gadaffi came back from USA and formed Libyan National Army (LNA). It also has support of hundreds of armed local brigades and mercenary from Sudan and Chad. Russia, France, Egypt, UAE and Jordan support as LNA was having strong hold in Eastern region which is oil rich and these countries have their vested interest in high quality oil of Libya.
Formation of Southern Tribal armed groups
In south of Libya the area is under control of different brigades who comprise of local tribe leaders who do not prefer direct participation in war but support LNA internally. Since April 2019 Haftar’s LNA has captured Tripoli but in June again this is captured by GNA.
The overall situation is that LNA is have control on about 70% of Libya and almost all oil production is under their control. Haftar is trying to “unify” Libya. Fierce and incessant war is going on between GNA and LNA. No end of this war seems in near future and is converted into another Syria.

Oct, 2020 developments– On Oct,23,2020 United Nations got signed 3rd ceasefire agreement between LNA and GNA. As said above GNA is UN recognised legal governemnt and supported by Qatar, Turkey, Italy and LNA lead by Haftar is supported by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, France and Jordan. GNA policy is conservative and pro Muslim Brotherhood while LNA is said to be against Muslim Brotherhood. As per the ceasefire accort of Oct
- A joint army committee comprised of 5+5 generals of GNA and LNA
- Exit of all external militia, terror groups and mercenaries
- Oil production will be supervised by joint representatives of LNA and GNA This ceasefire accord succeeds or not is yet to be seen.
Any tourism in Libya?
Looking at the current burning Libya better not to travel to Libya due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping for ransom and armed conflict. Also not at all safe for solo female tourists.
95% of Libya is covered by Sahara desert.

But it is not that Libya is devoid of old heritage It has a few places which were Phoenician, Greek and Rome establishments. Sabratha (Phoenicians in 500 BC.), Cyrene of 1st century BC, Leptis Magna (biggest city of old Rome in Libya) are some of them.

The way incessant war is going on in Syria it looks Ego (Al Asad’s) is above motherland and Libya is of ideology is “gain political power at cost of motherland”. The wealth of high quality oil which was bestowed to Libya to be used for upliftment is now become a cause of their sufferings, displacement, poverty and even death. The race among vested foreign interests is on for oil. The war seems to be unending. Economy is losing by almost one GDP every year and even if war ends it will have huge after effects on economy for at least next 30 years.
Gadaffi had brought certain great changes for upliftment of masses, per capita, housing, free medical and free education but due to uncontrolled armed brigades and local tribes disharmony every thing eclipsed and Gadaffi had to die for his dictatorship. Since then Libya is being murdered daily.
A few lessons world should learn from Syria and Libya that dictators have to kneel some day and secondly the foreign intervention should not be encouraged in internal affairs. Unfortunately there is no single Icon leader in Libya to handle the situation. The Libyans and Syrians learnt nothing from war in 9 years though general public now is repenting the death of Gadaffi.
Updated – Oct,26, 2020.
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