It was a great great opportunity to feel the history of mystic Egypt when I was at Egypt museum in USA. This museum is unique in sense that covers all aspects of history, life, religion, culture and life style of Egyptians since 6000 BC and unlike museums in India photography is allowed here. Restricting photography in museums does not allow the spread of glorious culture and turns it a store.
The museum is located at San Jose in California state on West coast of North America.
Egyptian civilization started when nomads from deserts started to settle around river Nile in about 3400 BC or before. These natives depended on fertile soil brought by Nile during floods and were also troubled when it came on wrong time and perished their crops or when water was too less. This led them to think about the calendar and they constructed barriers and ponds. Their invention tool “potter’s wheel” was very useful to them in their daily life which they used to make pots. Gradually the small clusters of nomads turned into villages and then to towns and cities from 3400 BC onward.
In order to understand this Museum and its artifacts let us have a look into history in brief.
- Predynastic Period (5500-3100 BC) About 2,500 years Farmers and small villages existed.
- Early Dynastic Period (3100 BC-2686 BC) About 400 years The communities lived in two regions – Red Land and White land. Powerful warrior Menes unified the two in 3100 BC and became the first Pharaoh of Egypt.
- Old Kingdom (2686 BC- 2181 BC) About 500 years It had the dynasties 3,4,5 and 6. Dynasties 3 and 4 saw golden age of kingdom while 5 and 6 saw the fall. King Djoser built Step Pyramid in city Saqqara 32 KM from current Cairo. It was peace, prosperity and stability in this period. The pharaoh were in absolute power and there were no foreign attacks. Pyramid of Giza constructed. The kingdom conquered Nubia (North Sudan) and Libya. But in 5th and 6th dynasty the pharaoh weakened due to heavy expenses in pyramid and also priesthood became so dominant that people had more faith on God than Pharaoh.
- First Intermediate Period (2181 BC- 2055 BC) About 125 years It had dynasties 7,8,9 and 10. All intermediate periods were the periods of instability, weak kingdoms or quick succession of kings. So all intermediate periods are the DARK periods in history of ancient Egypt. But by end of dynasty 10 king Mentuhotep IV reunified Egypt and middle kingdom started.
- Middle Kingdom (2055 BC- 1786 BC) About 250 years After Mentuhotep IV was assassinated his chief minister became king and named himself Amenemhet I and founded dynasty 12. The middle kingdom was also glorious as old kingdom and all foreign invaders like tribes Bedouins from current Jordan and Nubia (current Sudan) were repelled. Trade of ebony, ivory, gold flourished. Diplomatic relations from Palestine and Syria established and even Egyptians constructed fortress and did mining quarries for them. This period also restarted the halted art of pyramid construction. Middle age was at peak during Amenemhet IV and is also remembered for first lady queen Sobekeneferu ruler of Egypt and was last ruler of dynasty 12.
- Second Intermediate Period (1786 BC-1567 BC) About 200 years This intermediate period is also called dark period like 1st intermediate period. Here many dynasties ruled in parallel and Egypt was in divisions and unsettled.
- New Kingdom ( 1567 BC- 1085 BC) About 500 years It had dynasties 18,19 and 20. Ahmose I was first ruler of 18th dynasty. He reunited Egypt. Took over Nubia (Sudan) and Palestine. The Empire in this time spread from Euphrates river to Nubia. The other powerful kings in this time were Amenhotep I, Thutmose I and Amenhotep III and Thutmose III who was Egypt’s greatest war hero. This period is also known that Amenhotep IV stopped the ages old worship of Egypt’s sun God Amon-Ra and forced worship of another sun God Aton. He also new capital of Egypt as Akhetaton (Servant of Aton). On his death again the worship of sun God Amon-Ra started. Dynasty 19 and 20 in this period was line of kings named Ramses I, II.. The exodus of Moses and Israelites happened in kingship of Ramses II (1304-1237 BC). All this kings in this period were buried in Valley of Kings except Tutankhamen (1361-1352BC). By end of this period Egypt lost Palestine and Syria and it wealth also depleted resulting in fall.
- Third Intermediate Period (1085 BC-664 BC) About 400 years It had dynasty 21,22,23,24 and 25. Egypt did not rise again to height of its old glory. This period also called the dark age. In this period civil wars happened and rule got weakened. Nubians, Assyrians attacked one after other. Power of pharaoh waned and priests were more powerful. The decisions were done in function of oracle ( A person thought as God and his nod decides). So God Amon was supposed to be supreme.
- Late Period (664 BC – 332 BC) About 350 years It had dynasty 26 to 32 in this period. Persian kings conquered Egypt and they did not disturb any culture or rule here. The king Darius (522- 485 BC) supported Egyptian age old religion and even restored their temples. Finally Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.
Tourist map of Egypt
Pyramids and Mummies
Pyramids – There have been a lot of programs on Pyramids and theories are put forward as to how these huge pyramids were constructed 4500 years back. Pyramids are huge tombs of Pharaohs.
There are many pyramids in Egypt but Giza is the only pyramid which is one of the seven wonders of ancient world. Its height is 147 meters – 490 feet that is equivalent to almost 32 story building.
It is constructed by boulders and some of them were 15,000 kg each. It is amazing and even now people speculate how the such huge boulders would be used. 2.5 millions of blocks were used to make Pyramid of Giza. In base of pyramid the temples were made to give offering to king’s spirits.
Mummy – Egyptians believed that spirit is associated with dead body as long as it is kept preserved. So the idea of mummy came in ancient Egypt 4500 years back. The case in which mummy was kept had the print of the dead person so that spirit can recognize and enter the right box.
These mummies were kept with invaluable ornaments and so many were robbed but only the mummy of 17 year old Tutankhamum was still untouched and was discovered in 1933. Before embalming they used to remove all internal parts of body (except heart) into a jar and pack the body with salt, spices and sand and then rub outer skin with oil, wine and resin. Finally wrap it with linen bandages all over body in many layers.
This mummy excellently preserved did not have any wrappings or decorations. His finger nails were dyed with henna, but hair were natural color. The high quality of his mummification indicates that he was from upper class. Embalming of this type is very expensive. In 2004 researchers from National Geography channel came to investigate this mummy.
Animals Mummy
There were several reasons for Animal’s mummification by Egyptians. Some were placed in tombs to provide a permanent food for spirits. This practice was more common in Middle kingdom. Fish, cat, buffalo, crocodile, cuts of meat were mummified.
Sometimes beloved animals were mummified by owners. By far the most popular reason of mummifying was to honor the Gods. Many Gods were representing animals. Crocodile for example represented by God Sobek, cat related to Bastet.
Protecting Home
The people of Egypt used to protect their family and home from evils. God Bes was the protector of children and helpless people and soldiers. The images of Bes were worn in amulets and painted on walls. Taweret, the hippopotamus goddess, was protector of pregnant women. When woman was pregnant she was considered under protection of Taweret rather than Hathor‘s who was protector of love and sexuality. Mother will return to protection of Hathor after naming ceremony of child. Goddess cat, God crocodile were also thought to be protector of family and save from diseases. The generation was expected to give proper honor by burying the deceased parents to save them beyond grave.
Women used to bear children and household works and took part in spiritual functions.
Hapi, The God of Nile Inundation
Hapi, an androgynous (partly male and partly female) deity was not God of Nile but God of Nile flood which replenished its river bank with fertile soil which helped people in their agriculture.
Hapi was represented by papyrus plant, representing lower Egypt (North) and the lotus flower signifying upper Egypt (South).
This statue in this figure is cast of quartzite statue from 22nd dynasty (872 BC-837 BC). It is shown with facial features of Pharaoh Osorkon II.
Note : The crocodile was the bane for Egyptian mothers. Almost everyone in ancient Egypt lived by river and when mothers went to river side crocodile would snatch their babies. This very rightfully terrified the mothers. Images such as these were given to temples or kept in home to honor Sobek, the crocodile God to spare their family. The crocodile lamp you see had intention that flame would keep their family eternally safe from crocodile God or drowning into Nile river.
Proper Burial
In ancient Egypt proper burial was considered to be essential for eternal life of deceased. Most people began their burial preparations as soon as they had means to do so, especially since a sizable tomb could take 15 to 20 years to complete.
All sort of tomb offering were placed in burial chamber. Drawings
of food (sometimes actual mummified food) prevented the deceased from going hungry. Board games kept him entertained and furniture gave his spirit a place to rest. Even models of deceased and his servants also were kept to do chores for him after death.
Mummification was the most important aspect of journey afterlife. The body was taken to the “Good House”, called pr-nefer, for this procedure.
After the body was cleaned and eviscerated, it was buried in desert salt called natron for 35 days, and then lengthy anointing and wrapping process. began. During the process, the entire family mourned. Women cut their hair short and men let their beard grow. Clothes were allowed to become dirty, and members of the deceased’s family poured dirt over their own head.
Proper mourning led to the moment when body was given back to the family for internment in the tomb.
Honoring the Ancestors
Once the mollified body was returned to family, the process of funeral began. The family received the body in its fully wrapped state and carried it in its coffin up to the tombs. The women wailed and poured dirt on themselves along the way, often accompanied with professional mourners.
The opening of mouth ceremony was performed at the entrance of tomb. A model of an adze, a woodworking tool, was touched to the mouth of mummy, and the spell ended with the words “ You are young again. You shall live again, you are young again for ever!”. Once this was done, the spirit of deceased was freed to begin its afterlife journey.
Family will visit the tomb daily as they feared angry soul could harm family.
Ba (bird with human head) represented soul of the deceased and was kept in tomb. It was thought that it will often fly and visit the relatives.
Weaving and basketry
The most popular fabric in ancient Egypt was linen cloth which was produced from flax plant. Usually women used to weave the cloth and was considered as a very important household work. In fact it was like currency and was used for barter system too.
The lined fibers were pulled from flax plant, soaked and dried and then fibers were combed to make thin threads one-tenth of human hair. Most linen was white as it was difficult to dye. Basketry was used to make sandals, water tight baskets, fishing material and rope to be used at Nile.
The Home
Towns were very crowded and built tightly together. However the homes faced inward for privacy. Weaving and other works were done on roof. Women were responsible for the home, both in management and decoration. Heirlooms were passed down through families, Some fine pottery shows of having been used for generations. In end these were retired to tomb of family member.
Men and women both would decorate their face with eyeliner, lip color in order to enter in good grace of God Hathor. Hathor was Goddess of physical beauty, fertility, and love. Perfumes and ointments were used as moisturizer. Henna, was used to die nails, lips and cheeks. Eye shadow used powdered malachite.
To the ancient Egyptians, jewelry was not simply decoration. Amulets were strung together tp create powerful magical protection. Even the decoration beads between the amulets were often stylized lotus flowers or other symbol of power.
The stones chosen for jewelry could have meaning too. Because carnetian was associated with Isis, this stone was often used in images of Goddess. Gold represented Sun, or the Goddess of Hathor, who was called “The Golden One”. Jewelry was created by special craftsmen. People who were born dwarf were thought to be specially good at making jewelry and were often apprenticed to master jewelry. Clothing was kept simple but often was accentuated by fine jewelry. Women would wear entire bead-net dresses over their simple clothing.
Art and Artisans
Artisans were special class in Egypt’s feudal system. Painters, carpenters, sculptors and architects were direct employees of king. They were not bound to any land. They were directed by king and had to go to places where the tombs or furniture were to be constructed.
The most famous artists lived in town called Set Ma’at , known today as Deir el-Medina.
Food and Cookery
Farms in Egypt provided barley and onion which were central part of food. Beer rich in vitamin B-12 was made of barley. Cattle, ducks, geese and even hyenas were raised as source of wheat. Fish provided most of protein in diet. Until 18th dynasty (16th century BC) the chickens were unknown as food. Note that 18th dynasty was the first dynasty of ancient Egypt New kingdom.
Although no books on recipes have survived or available, it is through their shopping lists and medicinal purchases, we can guess the ancient Egyptian’s food ingredients. Ducks were stuffed with dates, pistachios, coated with honey and then roasted. Sweet cakes were made using ground flour, goose fat, honey. Palm wine provided a change from ubiquitous barley beer.
Weaving and basketry
The most popular fabric in ancient Egypt was linen cloth which was produced from flax plant. Usually women used to weave the cloth and was considered as a very important household work. In fact it was like currency and was used for barter system too. The lined fibers were pulled from flax plant, soaked and dried and then fibers were combed to make thin threads one-tenth of human hair. Most linen was white as it was difficult to dye. Basketry was used to make sandals, water tight baskets, fishing material and rope to be used at Nile.
Papyrus and writing
Personal letters, marriage contracts and funeral tableaus. As few as 2% of Egyptian population knew
Reading and writing. Except the town Set Ma’at, known today as Deir el-Medina had literacy rate of 40% as here mostly families of special class Artisans in Egypt’s feudal system. Painters, carpenters, sculptors and architects lived here who had created huge tombs, temples.
The coffin of Tutankhanum
The innermost coffin of Tutankhanum (Nine year old when he became king and 17 year old when he died)is one of the most splendid and rare examples of royal burial regalia. Made of precious colored glass, jewels and was most ornate of all the tombs found so far and was discovered in 1972 by Egyptologist Howard Carter and team.
King Tutankhanum’s mummy was placed in 3 nested coffins, which in turn was lowered into large stone sarcophagus in his tomb.
The 2 emblems held in his hand are symbols of kingships showing his domination over Lower Egypt (North) and Upper Egypt (South). Tutankhanum’s False beard was added as a sign of royal power. It is curved in end to indicate that this young pharaoh has become God afterlife.
Early 18th dynasty coffin
Early 18th century is first dynasty of ancient Egypt New kingdom. This coffin is of a priest named Disure in this dynasty. The sides of coffin are painted to show golden straps, although yellow paint takes the place of actual gift. The goddess Isis is painted at the base of coffin to protect Disure’s feet.
Coffin of a common man
Pottery in Ancient Egypt
Music in Temples
Ancient Egyptians considered music to be essential for proper functioning of the temples. Women filled this role, serving as musicians and songstress. While the women who sang did not bear the title of priestess, they were just important for any religious ceremonies.
The instruments displayed here were played in morning and evening when priests opened the temple doors. This moment of human-to-god contact was considered to be critical to worship and at the same time dangerous to priests. So music was played to soothe the God.
This museum is a great collection of artifacts, mummies, coffins, sculpture, statues, depiction of daily life, pottery, temple architecture, visual and audio demos. The photography is allowed inside and therefore you are free to take memories and knowledge about Egypt when you leave this museum. I must thank USA archaeology department to open such treasure of wealth and knowledge about ancient Egypt culture. The boards have described the artifacts and history so clearly that we get clarify our what, why and when.
Egypt Museum at San Jose, USA for photos and text. Photography was allowed inside.
The travelers
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