Ramnagar Fort – Medieval Varanasi


Ramnagar Fort of late medieval era of Varanasi. This period specifically marks revival of Varanasi religious, cultural and educational values after Muslim invaders oppressions.
The Narayana dynasty of Bhumihar zamindars from 1750 AD were the first to kindle East India Company and Nawabs of Oudh OPPOSITION and attained Independent Benaras kingdom.
The founder of this dynasty is known as “Shivaji of North”.

Mathura, India- My experience


अजीब सी पहेलियाँ हैं मेरे हाथों की लकीरों में, लिखा तो है सफ़र मगर मंज़िल का निशान नहीं। – I think probably I did not understand Mathura. March,20, 2018. This was the feeling after I completed my visit to Mathura. In fact it was so difficult to even find feature photo of Mathura. It was very […]