Ladakh was a totally new region for me and I really had only few heard assumptions about Ladakh before I traveled. I am sharing my experience in v brief and answer a few questions which people asked me and I feel many of us are ignorant about Ladhak as I was. I found that Ladakh is […]
Union Territory
Julley Ladakh – Trekkers Wonderland and Seniors Paradise

September 1, 2019 to September 8, 2019 Diary Even after days of booking ticket for Ladakh I wasn’t really sure why I was going there. Since when was I interested in gazing at barren hills? No greenery, no people around, tough life in rough terrain, breathing problems, headaches and so on so forth. Till the […]
Big Foot, Goa- A hundred years ago

It was second day in Goa and 2 day plan was for South Goa, North Goa and Old Goa was as follows. Basically North Goa had crowded beaches, fort while south Goa as calm and lonely beaches, lot of temples while Old Goa has only St. Xavier church. These all need definitely 2 full days […]
Andaman – Nicobar Islands- A Witness of Isolation

August, 2003 I was really curious about visiting Andaman and Nicobar Islands since School when I used to read about ” The Kala Paani” (Black water penal island),the remote place selected as penal island by British in 20th century for India’s freedom fighters. As a kid I always imagined it to be a horrific place for imprisonment something […]