Ancient Hindu Veda Samhita – Heritage to Humanity


“Give up,” says the Veda, “give up.”- Vivekananda.


Scope of this article is only to introduce a common reader, the overview of architecture of four ancient Hindu Veda Samhita part. It gives a starting point to understand the volume of Veda scriptures for further study of Samhita, Brahmanas, Aranyaka, Upnishads and Upvedas.


It is very difficult to recover the history of India as there are no written records except the archaeological evidences. First great Indian civilization appeared probably in 3000 BC. The earliest works of Indian literature were composed in form of Shruti (oral) probably in 1200 BC but they were written only after 500 BC.

Indus Civilization (3500-2000 BC)
This emerged in Indus valley. They had one of the advanced city cultures of that time. They tamed, cow, dog, goats and pigs. Small artifacts of these animals are found in excavations. Wore cotton and wool, gold, silver, elephant tusk and precious stones ornaments. Used earthen, silver, bronze pottery, They worshipped trees like Peepal, Shami, Acasia, Shiva (Pashupati). They also worshipped male and female lingas. Yoga and sacred bathing was done with religious ceremonies. Burning was used in funeral. The script used by them is still undeciphered.

Dholavira, Gujarat- One of the sites of Indus valley civilization

Vedic Civilization age (1500 BC-500 BC)
As per Rigved there were ‘Aryan invasions’ with bands of warriors who attacked and conquered black skinned indigenous population ‘Dasas’ before settling in Ganges region. BUT archaeological evidences do not support this theory. The Indo Aryans were INDIGENOUS people is found from the fact that the Grey ware which appeared in 1100 BC were similar in design to pottery used by Indus civilization. South India civilization that time remained untouched from North civilization.
So origin of Aryans who composed Vedas is still not very sure still Sanskrit is developed from Indo-Aryan language and became widespread in North India. The age of these people is called Vedic Age. Reference- Complete History of world by Richard Overy.

The status of women was equal to men. No polygamy allowed except in exceptional cases. Woman did not have more than one husband. Marriage was an unbreakable and pious bond. Widows were allowed to marry if she had no child. It was not necessary that woman must marry. Father had all rights over son. Adoption was allowed. In Rigved Caste system is not mentioned anywhere except in 10th chapter which was written in later time.
They worshipped Agni, Indra, Marut, Varun, Ashwin Kumars, Parjanya, Prithvi and Som, Apsaras, Gandharvas etc.
There are some verses which talk about the power of Indra in beating a demon Vratra who bound waters from mountains. Some Gods are also of animal shape but there was no animal Puja. When people had some wishes or religious or social welfare obligations to fulfil the Yajnas (यज्ञ) were conducted. Milk, grains, water, Som-Ras, meat was offered to Agni in altar. The Yajnas (यज्ञ) were simple but specific ones were conducted by expert sages. They believed in rebirth and believed that God Yama controls heaven and hell.

Some Rishis names are mentioned in all Vedas who composed the hymns. Their names are Agastya, Adingra, Atharva, Atharacharya, Uddalak, Unmochan, Hribhu,Kabandh, Kuts, Kriti, Kaushik, Gurutthan, Jamdagni, Pramochan, Brahaspati, Brahma, Bhardwaj, Bhargava, Bhragu, Matranama, Yam, Vashista, Vishvamitra, Ven, Shmbhu, Shukra, Savita and Sindhudweep and many more.

While the Gods which Vedic people worshipped and mentioned in verses are Ansh, Agnavishnu, Agni, Agneendra, Som, Agnisoma, Adhayatm, Anumati, Apannpaat, Amavasya, Araati group, Arundhati, Aryama, Astaka, Asur, Adityagana, Aap:, Indra, IndraVayu, Indragni, Indrani, Marut, Varun, Brahaspati, Indrasoma, Ishwar, Usha, Hribhu, Ekasta, Kaam, Kashyap, Kaambana, Chandrama, Gandharv-Apsaras, Jaatved, Saraswati, Taksharya, Ashwini Kumars, Twasta, Devpatni, Dyata Prithvi, Jamuna, Dhanpati, Dhanvantri, Dhata, Dhenu, Pasashar, Parjanya, Paavmaan, Pashupati and Purush, Viraat purush and few more.

Reader can search and find the details in net for these saints and Gods.

Note – In two or three scans you may feel it to be repetitive and boring but actually these were part of citation procedures. Even today we find these verses (mantra) in daily life in marriage ceremony, thread ceremony, yajna for community and nation purification, funeral rites etc. Leave aside todays sophistication and read. You will know its relevance.

Overview of Organization of Ved

Branches of Vedas

The architecture of all four Vedas is similar and all these evolved with time. Of these Rigveda is oldest, biggest and base of other Vedas. Normally we wrongly think that Vedas are just Hymns-Verses (सूक्त-मंत्र). All Vedas have their individual Samhita, Brahmans, Aranyaka, Upnishadas and Upvedas. Few scholars club Upveda under Veda.

Overview of Organization of Rigved Samhita

Rigved Samhita is composed of 10 volumes also called books or Mandals. Of these 1 and 10th volumes are added later. Each Mandal has Hymns which collection of few verses associated with title of Hymn.

Overview of Organization of Samved Samhita

95% of Samved verses are taken from Rigved. Samved has about 1549 verses. Samved is musical form of Rigved verses in which verses are chanted in musical rhythm. It is accepted that Samved was the foundation of Indian music system of Ragas. About 267 of verses from Purvarchika are taken in Uttararchika also. In Purvarchika the verses are in order of God like Agni, Indra, Soma while in Uttararchika they are arranged in order of rituals. In Purvarchika 583 verses are attached to Gramageyajana, book of songs to be sung in the village by common people while 54 verses are for sages living in forest.

Aaranyak Gaan are melodies which are considered a taboo, and therefore, had to be learnt in the forest, not in the village. Out of 1875 verses (Purvarchica + Uttararchika), 1800 are taken from Rigved. The hymns of Samved not only contain the deep meaning of the Rig Vedic Mantra but also add the musical dimension to it. In fact it can be said that Samved is the foundation of music in the Indian land.

Overview of Organization of Yajurved Samhita

In olden days our sages and Rishis recognized the importance, power of nature and by Yajna they express this message and invite the semi Gods of the five elements of nature. This is Yajna. This is part of Hindu’s daily life even today in 21st century.

There are 40 chapters in Vajapeye branch of Shulk Yejurved Samhita. They contain the mantras for different types of Yajna along with praises, prayers and invitation verses. Below are mentioned a few Yajnas which are well known today in our daily life and in mythological stories.

Moon is said to have influence on hormones and liquids of all in the earth on full moon and no moon days. To appease the effects on our mind against ill effects Full day and Amasvaya related Yajna are described in Rigved. Hindus perform a ‘Yajna’ or ‘havan’ on purnima called the Maha Mritunjaya havan. On Amavasya many people fast and offer puja to the souls of their forefathers. They also offer water to the departed souls.
Agnihotra Yajna cleanses the space elements from negative vibrations, brings clarity in thought, increases energy levels and health. Chaturmas Yajna period (July to October) is considered inauspicious in Vedas and hence in Hindu dharma. It is suggested to perform discourses on dharma and meditation in this period.
Som Yajna is performed for welfare of universe and for human kind. These yajnas are performed even today. Rajsuyu Yajna was performed by sages on behalf of kings for expansion of their territory. Kings sent officials to collect taxes and if tax was given friendly relations were maintained with them. The rajasuya yajna is conducted when an emperor is born or created. Ashwa Medh was performed by kings by sending his horse to ensure cultural co-existence with other kings territory and as an indication of sovereignty of king who performed Ashwa Medh. Agnishtom was performed after Ashwa Medh to ensure cultural co-existence.
Purush Medha is misinterpreted as human sacrifice. In actual in Yejurved it is meant for renunciation of material possessions and for that procedures are defined as tying Yupa(thread) to a pole etc.

In Saumitra Yajna the Vedi (alter) is reproductive organ of female while male organ is Agni. This reproduction becomes a contribution to social welfare with pure intentions. Vajapeye Yajna purpose is cultural unity and upliftment of mass consciousness. The Vajapeya yajna is for preparing various factions of the army in order to reclaim lost land However due to imperialistic influence this Yajna was translated to animal sacrifice. This yajna is for maintaining harmony inside state. It also involved conducting sports and scholastic debates for 15 days. The performer was titled as “Vajapeyee”.

Pravaragya is preliminary ceremony before Som Yagya. In this cow milk is boiled in earthen pot and offered with verses to Ashwins Semi Gods of Ayurved medicines. The pot represents the head of Vishnu which in turn represents the Sun. In Pitr-Yajna offerings are made to ancestors in form of milk, water and libations if form of grains. It is performed daily.

Virat Purush is a cosmic man which broad body at top and bottom and thin in middle. Eshavasyopnishad is chapter 40 of Yajurved Samhita and is said to be first Upnishad. It indicates that universe is under umbrella of one God. Its high light is that do the deeds of living beings welfare without any self desire or greed and wish to live for hundred years. It more relates to Bhagvat Geeta.

Earthen pot of those days

Overview of Organization of Atharvaved Samhita

Atharvaved mainly deals with health and well being. Chapter 1 hymns deal with prayers for Disease alleviation, Urinary redemption, Maternity procedures, water therapy, elimination of evil people, Female happy childbirth, Tuberculosis, destruction of enemy, cholesterol, miserness, poverty, Nations progress, strength and long life etc.

Chapter 2 deals with knowing self, Bramh, identifying and procurement of different Herbs and remedy in soil, long life, prayers for Indra, fire, arthritis, destruction of enemy, fearlessness from destruction, protection, strength, Cattle breeding, killing of body worms and ideal husband for daughter etc.

Chapter 3 deals with hypnotizing enemy, attaining lost land and country, sorrow alleviation, long life, cow breeding, wealth in business, agriculture, anti-concubine, Jealousy, enemy elimination, TB, fertility and sin cleansing etc.
Chapter 4 deals with Shankh Mani for disease alleviation, fertility, TB, Rohini herb, rain, Royal coronation, anti-venom, Self awareness and so on so forth.


Based on this article you can know that Rigved is starting point to read the Vedas scriptures. This will give an idea of volume of study and components of Veda. You need to further explore in knowing some details of Gods worshipped in Veda, few important Yajna procedures and their purpose and Upnishads. After going through the explanations of verses quickly you can read Brahamans which are commentaries on Veda Samhitas. This particular article is to incite a desire of common man to read or at least know the introduction of Vedas. The sea of knowledge and its interpretation of Veda is so big that it is not possible to find a single man who has read all Vedas.

References –
Complete History of world – Richard Overy
प्राचीन भारत का इतिहास – बी. डी. महाजन
Self Knowledge – Dr. Sivananda Founder Divine Life Society
वेदभाष्य – वेदमूर्ति तपोनिष्ट श्री राम शर्मा आचार्य -प्रकाशक ब्रह्मवर्चस, हरद्वार

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