Anaikatti- Confluence of Bhavani and Suruvani


I am member of Sterling resort and when I was going through Sterling Resort web site I found Anaikatti as new addition in their resort list. My family decided to visit this just for the sake of visit as we already knew that there is nothing to visit there except confluence of river Siruvani and Bhavani. And we just wanted to completely relax in lap of nature there for 2 days while Sterling did not deduct any points.


Situated in Kerala. 48 KM from Coimbatore. Taxis are available from Coimbatore railway station for Rs.1300-1500. If you go via Isha Foundation Yoga center then they will charge about Rs.1800.
Our Itinarary
Started from Bangalore and reached Coimbatore at 7 AM. Got fresh at railway station waiting room which was quite clean and took bath here. Settled a taxi to Anaikatti via Isha Foundation of Sadhguru.

I started at 8 AM from Coimbatore and took taxi to Anaikatti via Isha Foundation. Spent 3 hours at this great Yoga center and started for Anaikatti at 12.30 PM and reached Anaikatti at 2 PM.

On was saw Rajanikant’s on bungalow about 20 KM from Anaikatti.

The second day

Just came out of resort at about 9 AM and walked to look for some conveyance to go to Siruvani and Bhavani confluence. Walked about 2 KM and reached junction. There a driver was washing his auto and he agreed to take us to river confluence. He settled for Rs.300. For same trekking Sterling resort was charging Rs.2500. We took breakfast and started at 11.30 AM. Auto was to be stopped about 3 KM before the confluence point and so we had to walk.

On way we just saw a very big snake near a small water stream which disappeared in seconds hearing our noise. We got afraid of the place and asked our guide (auto driver) to come front of our trekking queue.

The Tribes

On way on trekking to river confluence we had opportunity to see few tribal people from close. Anaikatti is one of the villages in Tamilnadu-Kerala border which are inhabited by ancient tribals. There were TV, solar power in the village I saw which was very near to confluence of Siruvani -Bhavani river. But but they seemed to be still in poor state, In my opinion education is the thing which can bring awareness among them. There is need for volunteers who can go to these villages personally to show them the light of knowledge, The inhabitants of this village were very shy for foto except an old lady which somehow came closer to us and agreed for foto.

One of the tribes. So beautiful and see the glow at face without any modern cosmetics

At confluence point

From this tribe village the confluence was just about 1.5 KM. I saw any confluence for the second time. The first I had seen in Allahabad and that was Ganga-Jamuna. The guide (auto driver) showed us the elephants foot prints and its dung. These were very fresh and as per him the group of elephants might have been just departed from the river. Unluckily we missed them.

exceptional panoramic view : The confluence – Siruvani (muddy) is on left side while Bhavani ( clear water) is on right side
Elephants fresh foot as per local he might left just a few minutes back.

The Travellers

The travelers


Overall it was a very relaxing trip of 2 nights and 3 days. The resort though was very crowded and mostly were the old people and was very green and beautiful wooden cottages. I think I did never see such beautiful resort (except one which I had seen in Patal Bhuvneshwar in Uttarakhand). The river flows just adjacent to the resort as we earlier had seen in KSTDC guest house in Srirangpatanam in Karnataka.

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