“God has cared for these trees, saved them from draught, disease, avalanches, and a thousand straining, leveling tempests and floods, but he can not save them from fools- only Uncle Sam can do that.” – John Muir 1897
This trip to Muir Wood National park, a Redwood park of America is not for pleasure of seeing serene and angelic nature or for picnic but it is my curiosity that brings me to this park. The journey we started morning 9 AM and finished by dinner in hotel in SFO at 9 PM.

We need to book parking a day before and reach on time. If we are late it will be impossible to get parking or we may have to walk about an hour to reach Muir Wood entrance gate. Entrance fee is $15 for adult.
There are two species found in America- Coast redwood and giant Sequoia. In 1847 the scientific name to this red wood was given as Sequoia Sempervirens (evergreen Sequoia) in honor of a Cherokee language scholar named Sequoyah. Cherokee was language of an Indian tribe living in California region pre and post European colonization of America. This species of Redwoods are since 150 million years but now only two species are surviving in USA, both in California. A third species “dawn redwood” is now native to central China only. No surprise nearly 1 million people visit these red wood park each year.

As per excerpt from the board from the Muir park the name Red Wood was given in 1769 by Spanish father Juan Crespie who came to California on some mission. The Coast Miwok were the original people of this land. They lived in this area for thousands of years, managing the land and its natural resources. They set fire to enrich and shape the forests known today as Muir Woods. As Europeans arrived in 1700s, they displaced the native people from their lands and moved them to Spanish missions. Many were enslaved and died of mistreatment and foreign diseases. 90% of these natives died by 1850s. These Europeans settlers used these golden red woods to build their forts, houses etc. By early 1900s they cut almost all the wood. But President Roosevelt is responsible for conserving this surviving part of redwood and declared area as national monument.

About Redwood
From information brochure- Coast redwood are tallest living things on Earth. The tallest tree can reach up to 379 feet. In Muir Wood the present tallest is 258 feet (23 story building). They grow one foot per year in temperature -3 to+38 degree centigrade. Fog helps the trees to grow as bark and leaves collect water from fog and feed the root down. Fire is also necessary to clean out bacteria and make path of seeds to soil.

Burl is a rare example that not always seeds are responsible for new plants but without seed also plants can be grown. This is an advantage to Red woods over other trees.

This is a nice weekend get away from San Francisco. There was crowd but walking among giant trees is memorable experience. Earth is so beautiful. I remember John Muir words while leaving the place – that God can not save these ancient trees from fools.
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