I was at Patna in May, 2019 for attending marriage of an near and dear one. It was so hot weather but by chance Fena cyclone arrived and the temperature reduced from 43 degree to 20 degree. We took some time and planned a small 2 day tour to Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda, Vaishali and Patna.

Patliputra is one of the most talked about capital of India continent in BC. It was a small place and according to some ancient Buddha scriptures this is the place where Buddha before his death had noticed building of a fort by Ajatshatru of Rajgir in 6th century BC. to protect Magada empire from Lichhivi of Vaishali. In middle of 5th century BC his successor Udayin shifted his capital from Rajgir to Patliputra. After that for 1000 years it remained the capital of Shishunaga, Nanda dynasty, Maurya, Sunga and Gupta dynasties.

Patliputra was the first center of power in India region towards the concept of United India under one flag as shown in map below and that was mauryan empire under Chandragupta Maurya followed by Ajatshatru, Samrat Ashoka, Cholas and Harsha. Harsha kingdom on 7th century was and ed of this concept when again Harsha rule weakened and shattered in smaller states. Rajput kingdoms could not unite and fianlly we see India as 550+ small states in 1947.

Patliputra was center of trade, commerce, art, culture and learning. During Ashoka time 3rd Buddhist council was held here in 3rd century BC. in 3rd century BC Megasthenese was ambassador from Greece named it as Palibothra in his book Indica. He also described that Chandrgupta Maurya palace was mostly made of timber and was more beautiful and gorgeous than its contemporary palaces in Greece and Iran.
Excavations have revealed a Mauryan pillared hall of polished monolithic stones.

Excavations were conducted here in 1951-55 have unearthed brick structures of 4th to 5th century BC identified as Arogya Vihara (Hospital cum Monastery) run by Dhanvantri. It is said that Dhanvantri was more learned doctor than Aristotle. Inscribed terracotta seal one side tree (perhaps Bodhi tree) and other side two lines reading “Sri Araogya Vihara Bhikshu Sangha” in Gupta Brahmi script. And small red polished pot inscribed ” Dhanvantre” was found here. Based on these proofs it is assumed that this structure was used as hospital and run by Dhanvantre.

During excavation several carved bricks were found probably used for decorative purpose, coins, ornaments, antimony rods, beards of terracota and ivory, stone, dices of terracota and ivory, seals, toy cart, skin rubbers, terracotta figure of humans, birds, animals were found here.
“Can we believe that Patliputra (now Patna) was capital of Nagashishu, Nanda, Maurya, Sungha, Gupta dynasties for a total period of about 1000 years. Can we believe that not a single monument or sign of any dynasty is now visible in this city? I have no answer to it.
Below picture of Kumhrar. It is said that here was palace of Chandragupta Maurya (mostly of timber), It is said Ajat Shatru was building a fort here in Buddha time as per Buddhist scriptures…It is said that Dhanvantri’s Arogya Vihar existed here…now I am sitting not in real arogya vihara but on its replica…can we believe it?Megasthenese came during Chandragupta Maurya time here and described his palace here in his book Indica…But now I can just see a big park with ASI board singing old story….Whose mistake is this?Of time or excavators??”

Some beautiful sculptures kept in Patna Museum. Patna museum is a very rich museum and one of the best ever seen by me. It is worth for those who are doing research in ancient india. Kudos to ASI for their efforts. There is good knowledge treasure for children. This is situated in a very neat and posh are of Patna. You can enjoy in campus and soend whole day. There is very good canteen inside though the eatables are very costly.


It is sad that Patna, old name Patliputra had a glory which spread up to Iran and Europe even. But we could not save or unearth the old palaces structures. It is a painful surprising fact. I went with the aspiration to see Mauryan and Ashoka time forts, pillars, wells but it was disappointing.
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