अजीब सी पहेलियाँ हैं मेरे हाथों की लकीरों में, लिखा तो है सफ़र मगर मंज़िल का निशान नहीं। – I think probably I did not understand Mathura. March,20, 2018. This was the feeling after I completed my visit to Mathura. In fact it was so difficult to even find feature photo of Mathura. It was very […]
Month: June 2018
Madhuban, Mathura, India- My experience

March,20, 2018. I had seen a programme on TV about an year on Madhuban of Mathura. it was about dancing gopis in Madhuban in night. Since then I wanted to see this place in Mathura. My train from Agra to Mathura is 5 hours late. So I quickly check in to platform No.1 at Agra […]